Our Blue Light Valuation team understand the Depreciated Replacement Cost method of Valuation required for the Valuation of these specialist assets.

For various organisations and bodies, there is a need to value property assets periodically, so as to comply with financial reporting standards.

The unique nature of the assets held means that the comparable method of Valuation is not suitable. Instead, the Depreciated Replacement Costs (DRC) method must be adopted, which takes into account the cost of the land and buildings as opposed to the price they would achieve in the market.

The FHP Blue Light Valuation team are familiar and experienced in conducting the specialised asset valuation required for the Emergency services.

Our valuations have regard to the RICS Valuation – Professional Standards, Global & UK (“The Red Book”), in addition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and guidance prepared by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA).

For further information or for a fee quote please contact one of the team below.

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