Business rates are a significant cost and we have a strong track record of saving our clients money on their business rates across the Country.

Our business rates team are specialists in unravelling the complexities of a business rates assessment, finding errors, successfully challenging the assessment and ultimately achieving savings for occupiers.

The way in which warehouses and manufacturing premises are valued is generally on a price per m² basis with adjustments for items such as:

  • Heating
  • Lighting
  • Height
  • Access
  • Location
  • Mezzanine floors
  • Plant and machinery

We know the components that are assessed when a valuation is compiled, and we understand the law surrounding business rates. This inside knowledge provides us with the ability to reduce rateable values and save money for our clients.

If a company is not occupying the whole of their property then there are avenues whereby a discretionary business rate relief can be applied for.

We have been successful in applications for discretionary rate relief, seeing significant refunds achieved in excess of £100,000.

There is no charge to place an appeal; our fees are purely success related based on savings actually achieved.

For further information on how we can help you please contact one of the business rates team.

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