Residents to get a great leisure deal with FHP

November 8, 2006

Property Management News

Midlands Property Advisor of the Year, Fisher Hargreaves Proctor (FHP) has been appointed as managing agent of the new residential development on Talbot Street in Nottingham City Centre on behalf of Cubic Property Holdings Limited.

The new development comprises two interconnecting residential buildings providing 151 apartments, together with ground floor retail accommodation.  The building also provides the occupants with a number of leisure facilities including swimming pool, gym and squash facilities.  Practical completion of the first phase is due on the 1st November 2006, with completion of the whole development scheduled for March 2007.

Robert Spencer the partner in charge of the management department at FHP, said: “I’m delighted to again be appointed by Cubic Property Holdings Limited to manage their latest residential site, which is an impressive new building set within a predominantly professional areas of the city centre.  When complete the leisure facilities within the development will provide the occupiers with an excellent range of facilities to utilise, which makes this development stand out from the majority of the market.”

For further information on FHP log on to or call 0115 950 7577

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