March 31, 2011

Industrial/Warehouse News

Acting on behalf of Walker & Sons Hauliers Limited, agent Laura West of FHP Property Consultants is delighted to report further occupancy on the popular Industrial Estate located off Hamilton Road, Sutton in Ashfield. The site offers a wide range economical warehousing space with excellent eaves height, an ideal solution for any contract lead requirement.

Merritt Storage Solutions Limited are the latest occupiers to sign up to 40,000 sq ft on the estate, the deal that was brokered in record time allowing for extremely quick occupation within a 48 hour time frame. Merritts, who are a large occupier and employer within the local area are seeing the rewards of careful business planning over recent years and as such have now been able to expand their business fairly rapidly in 2011.  

James Merritt comments:-

“Our Storage & Warehousing business has seen tremendous growth over the last 2 years as businesses locally and regionally look for a cost effective and flexible alternative to traditional medium and long term lease commitments. We have recently been accredited as an HMRC bonded warehouse for storage of imported goods under VAT and Duty suspension and we intend to develop this accreditation to become an import and export centre for the East Midlands.


The business has worked closely with FHP Property Consultants to find the correct type of facilities at the right price point in the North Nottinghamshire area and I am very pleased that we have been able to make the recent deals happen. We intend to grow our capacity quickly and plan to have 1 million sq ft of managed space within the next five years."

All enquiries to or call free on 0800 046 9840. 

Laura West comments:-

“This recent letting was engineered over the ability to offer a unit ready for immediate occupation that presented well. The available units at Hamilton Road remain popular due to their strategic location close to the A38 and J28 of the M1 motorway, with many of the units offering craneage and secure yards.


With some confidence returning to the market in general, it is hoped that we can look forward to further transactions in 2011. With interest in the remaining 30,000 sq ft at Hamilton Road, we are confident it won’t be long until 100% occupancy is achieved.”

For further details please contact either Laura West at FHP Property Consultants.

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