January 26, 2011

Retail News

FHP the Cathedral Quarters preferred agents are delighted to announce the continued success over the last year having seen a reduction of 17.8% in vacancy rates to 10.45% from Spring 2009 to Autumn 2010. Over the last year FHP have completed 6 new lettings within the Cathedral Quarter with a further 2 shops under offer and due to complete shortly.

Sadler Gate has seen a great deal of activity in the last year with new start up companies such as Lou Lous Café, and Wonky Table Bistro and Lancaster and Thorpe a national chain of opticians taking new premises in the street.

FHP believes in being proactive as it is the key element to any deal and especially in the current market.A key letting through this approach was at 8-9 Sadler Gate where FHP initially secured a 6 month Licence to Scraggy and Finch, a jewellery and accessorise shop which has enabled them to test the market and location. After a successful 4 months we are now in negotiations to convert this into a full lease.

2011 presents both a challenge and opportunity in the Cathedral Quarter with the new VAT rise, impact of public sector cuts and the general increase in commodities, however despite this the resurgence of the Cathedral Quarter presents an excellent opportunity for retailers.

FHP are currently marketing a number of Retail and Leisure opportunities in the Cathedral Quarter and Derby City Centre.  To discuss your requirement or for further information please contact George Dunnicliff, Mark Bradley or Alan Pearson on 01332 343222.

Photographed left to right: Mark Bradley, Alan Pearson and George Dunnicliff

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