Office News
Property consultants FHP are delighted to announce that they have completed the letting of 2.1 Clarendon Business Park to ILS English.
ILS English are one the region’s leading providers of year round English courses and they work with individual companies and educational organisations from all over the world from their base on Clarendon Business Park. The move has allowed for a consolidation and expansion of their space within Clarendon Business Park where they now occupy three buildings.
This letting means that the self contained office on Clarendon Business Park has been let within 10 months of coming to the market.
James Hartley of FHP commented:
“ILS English were one of the first companies we approached to take on this space given that they are already on the Park. We always like to approach local occupiers when we first bring a property to the market and this strategy has proved successful in this instance. It is great news to see a local firm with a global reputation taking more space and expanding and I hope that the move into 2.1 Clarendon Business Park is a success one for them.”