March 5, 2014

Industrial/Warehouse News

Take up of space at the Amber Business Centre, Riddings has grown from strength over the last few years. The 36.1 acre site was purchased by Commercial Estates Group (CEG) in 2010, since this time the estate have welcomed 40 new occupiers with over 200,000ft² of industrial/warehousing premises let. 

The Amber Business Centre provides the perfect solution for light industrial and warehousing occupiers. The units are available in a wide range of sizes and layouts, are fully fitted and conveniently located close to the M1 corridor.

The estate offers a range of accommodation to suit every occupier and through proactive and pragmatic management, many of the tenants are continually expanding on the park.

Laura West, Associate Director at FHP Property Consultants comments:-

“I have personally involved in the estate since 2006 and have seen a number of new tenants join the Amber Business Centre. The success story is down to the ability to offer a wide range of fully fitted units which are immediately available. CEG have a very hands on and dynamic approach when it comes to estate management with tenants being reassured that they are joining an estate where support is on hand 24 hours a day.

I am confident that through attracting high quality occupiers to Amber Business Centre it will play a crucial role in boosting the local area’s economy”

The team at Amber Business Centre carefully listen to the demands of local occupiers and pride themselves on delivering a first class service – see more at

For further information or to register your interest for future availability within the estate place contact Laura West on 07917 460029.

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